Gokeeda is dedicated to publishing accurate information across all its content. We employ rigorous fact-checking: investigating claims with skepticism, questioning assumptions, and challenging conventional wisdom.

Our Commitment

We are committed to achieving appropriate accuracy in all our output. This is fundamental to our reputation and the trust of our audience. ‘Appropriate’ means the accuracy must be suitable for the content, considering its subject and nature. Any constraints influencing expectations will be explicitly stated.

Thoroughness & Transparency

Our content, as fitting its nature, is well-sourced, evidence-based, and corroborated. We strive for honesty about what we don’t know, avoiding speculation. Our journalists never plagiarize or knowingly distort facts or visuals.

Verification & Attribution

We seek independent verification, especially for claims from public figures or those with agendas. Uncorroborated content is usually attributed.


Gokeeda stands by its information. If proven inaccurate, we change it quickly. We do not mislead our audience or present invented material as fact. Serious factual errors are acknowledged and corrected promptly, clearly, and appropriately.

Report Inaccuracies

We provide a “Suggest A Correction” section at the end of each web story for reporting errors.

Editorial Process

Our journalists focus on reporting, writing, and fact-checking. Stories undergo review by one or more editors. Gokeeda has a multi-level fact-checking structure for complex or sensitive stories. The seniority of reviewing editors varies based on factors like complexity and time constraints.

Correction Policies

While we strive for excellence, errors may occur. When they do, Gokeeda takes responsibility for corrections, maintaining transparency to prevent the spread of incorrect information.

For Readers:

If you spot an error, contact the editor-in-chief, Dileep Rajput, directly via:

Include the correction, issue date/number, where you saw it, your name, and contact information. Provide the correct information and its source if possible.

We’ll investigate and respond, but a submission doesn’t guarantee a correction will be issued.

For Gokeeda:

The editor-in-chief investigates reported errors using available information.

If an error is confirmed, a correction is issued in all relevant formats:

  • On the Website: The article is corrected with an editor’s note detailing the change.
  • Social Media: A post linking to the corrected article is made if applicable.

The reader who reported the error is informed of the corrective action.

Together, we ensure accuracy and maintain trust in Gokeeda’s content.

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